六祖法寶壇經 (三) 第八至第十品 中英對照

頓漸品第八 Sudden School vs Gradual School

While the Patriarch was living in Bao Lin Monastery, the Grand Master Shen Xiu was preaching in Yu Quan Monastery of Jing Nan. At that time the two Schools, that of Hui Neng of the South and Shen Xiu of the North, flourished side by side. As the two Schools were distinguished from each other by the names “Sudden” (the South) and “Gradual” (the North), the question which sect they should follow baffled certain Buddhist scholars (of that time).

six4師謂眾曰:「法本一宗,人有南北,法即一種,見有遲疾;何名頓漸?法無頓漸,人有利鈍,故名頓漸。」 (Seeing this), the Patriarch addressed the assembly as follows: “So far as the Dharma is concerned, there can be only one School. (If a distinction exists) it exists in the fact that the founder of one school is a northern man, while the other is a Southerner. While there is only one Dharma, some disciples realize it more quickly than others. The reason why the names ‘Sudden’ and ‘Gradual’ are given is that some disciples are superior to others in mental dispositions. So far as the Dharma is concerned, the distinction of ‘Sudden’ and ‘Gradual’ does not exist.” Continue reading

六祖法寶壇經 (二) 第三至第七品 中英對照


信堅昨日整理、張貼 “六祖法寶壇經” 第一品及第二品中英對照後,繼續整理所餘八品。發現經文字句,其實不難懂,主要是讀者,不習慣佛經文句的結構、標點 (但為文句,沉吟至今)。同時發現,如果中、英分開,對初學佛經者,也會花很多時間在尋找相對的翻譯。為此之故,信堅繼續張貼剩餘八品的中英對照,以助有緣,園滿解讀,六祖壇經,大開智慧之門。


six4決疑品第三 Questions and Answers

一日,韋刺史為師設大會齋。齋訖,剌史請師升座,同官僚士庶,肅容再拜,問曰: 「弟子聞和尚說法,實不可思議,今有少疑,願大慈悲,特為解說。」
One day Prefect Wei entertained the Patriarch and asked him to preach to a big gathering. At the end of the feast, Prefect Wei asked him to mount the pulpit (to which the Patriarch consented). After bowing twice reverently, in company with other officials, scholars, and commoners, Prefect Wei said, “I have heard what Your Holiness preached. It is really so deep that it is beyond our mind and speech, and I have certain doubts which I hope you will clear up for me.” Continue reading

六祖法寶壇經 (一) 第一及第二品 中英對照


今天,因有師姐提問,對剛接觸佛經者,看佛經有如看天書,也不知從何經下手。為此之故,信堅花了點時間,將信堅所看的第一本啟蒙佛經,香港佛經流通處所印行的 “六祖大師法寶壇經”,中英合釋本裡的第一品及地第二品,重新整理,改為中英對照,以便利讀者觀看、學習。
看了這中英對照後,你就會發現,對精通英文的留學生及受過大學教育的知識份子來說,原來佛經真容易懂,真容易看,字字都是智慧之言。(只因中文,受文字障,沉吟至今。) 看了之後,自然會智慧提高,靈性增長,法樂無窮。

自序品第一 Autobiography

時,大師至寶林,韶州韋刺史與官僚,入山請師出於城中大梵寺講堂,為眾開緣說法。Once, when the Patriarch had arrived at Bao Lin Monastery, Prefect Wei of Shao Zhou and other officials went there to ask him to deliver public lectures on Buddhism in the hall of Ta Fan Temple in Guangzhou. Continue reading