溪流與沙漠的對話: 跨越生命中的障礙,不要怕改變。

Dialogue between a stream and the desert: Cross the barriers of life and don’t be afraid to change.

一、 前言 (Preface)
This article is written by a Sophie traveling monk. He uses the metaphor (fable) of “the dialogues between the desert and a stream” . The desert teaches a small river how to cross a vast desert. This metaphor contains a very deep life and enlightening philosophy. If you are able to understand this fable, every obstacle in life can be easily resolved. 此文是一位蘇菲遊方僧侶的 一首 <沙土之歌>。他以 “溪流與沙漠的對話” 的譬喻 (寓言),教導小河流如何跨越大沙漠。如果能瞭解了其中的小道理,就可運用無窮,凡事迎刃而解。

In the same way, it also teaches practitioners how to transcend beyond all limits. Serious spiritual practitioners are then able to learn how to enter “the door without a door”, and become enlightened. 同理,它也教導修行人,如何百尺竿頭,更進一步。普賢行者,如何進入無門關,見性成佛。[ “無門”是如何進入 “空性”的法門,也是如何明心見性的法門]。

This article is written in English with Chinese translation. I hope it will be able to transform your life, and live happily everafter. 信堅在此以中英對照介紹此文,希望它能轉變你的 一生。 Continue reading